Reuther’s Diyari Dictionary contains hundreds of words which do not have their own entry but are only found in sub-entries, notes, etymologies, or examples. Some of these are relatively common words like “karku red ochre” (karku in modern spelling), which occurs in nine sub-entries, “poto thing” (putu ‘thing’), or “kalatura turkey” (karlathurra ‘bustard, wild turkey’). In addition, some of these words occur in unexpected places in the main Dictionary, e.g. “tindritindri” (thindrithindri ‘willy wagtail’), a common bird found in Dieri country, which only appears as sub-entry [113] under “tidna foot”.
The Entries Supplement presents all these items as individual entries, with the same basic structure and presentation as in the specialist edition. Here are some examples
The entries supplement items are sorted alphabetically and numbered in sequence, as nnS, as in the examples above. The source sub-entry numbers of each term are referenced under *See.
The following additional information is also included:
- for terms for animals and plants the Latinate *Scientific Name is given;
- the *Scientific Source for these Latinate terms is given as a link to the relevant Wikipedia entry;
- under *Editor: we provide information from modern sources and/or references to other publications which clarify Reuther’s form or translation. For example, “katiwaru type of lizard” has *Editor: given by contemporary speakers as a ‘type of small lizard’. The name appears in Text 1 in Austin’s Grammar of Diyari in contrast to the large lizards caught by the brother-in-law participant. Bernd and Vogelsang (1940: 7) give “kadiwaru ‘small lizard'”.
Here are some more sample entries from the Supplement.
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