
For Diyari language

  • Austin, Peter. 1981. A Grammar of Diyari, South Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Austin, Peter. 1982. The deictic system of Diyari. In Jurgen Weissenborn & Wolfgang Klein (eds.) Here and there: cross-linguistic studies on deixis and demonstration, 273-284. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Austin, Peter. 1986a. Diyari language postcards and Diyari literacy. Aboriginal History 10, 175-190. Download at:
  • Austin, Peter. 1986b. Afghan story. In Luise A. Hercus & Peter Sutton (eds.) This is what happened, 129-132. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.
  • Austin, Peter. 1986c. Paradise crossing. Luise A. Hercus & Peter Sutton (eds.) This is what happened, 293-296. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.
  • Austin, Peter. 2004. Chapter 136 Diyari (Pama-Nyungan). In Geert Booij, Christian Lehmann, & Joachim Mugdan (eds.) Morphology: A Handbook on Inflection and Word Formation, 1490-1500. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Austin, Peter K. 2013. A Dictionary of Diyari, South Australia. MS, SOAS, University of London. Download at:
  • Austin, Peter K. 2014. And still they speak Diyari: the life history of an endangered language. Ethnorema 10, 1-17. Download at:
  • Austin, Peter K. 2021. A Grammar of Diyari, South Australia. 2nd edition, version 2.10. MS, SOAS, University of London. Download at:
  • Austin, Peter K. 2023. Making 2,180 pages more useful: the Diyari dictionary of Rev. J. G. Reuther. In Eda Dehermi & Christopher Moseley (eds.) Endangered Languages in the 21st Century, 241-257. London: Routledge. Download at:
  • Austin, Peter, Luise A. Hercus & Phillip Jones. 1988. Ben Murray Parlku-Nguyu-Tangkayiwarna. Aboriginal History 12, 115-188.
  • Berndt, R.M. 1953. A Day in the Life of a Dieri Man before Alien Contact. Anthropos 48(1/2), 171-201.
  • Berndt, R.M. and T. Vogelsang. 1941a. Comparative vocabularies of the Ngadjuri and Dieri tribes, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 65(1), 3-10.
  • Berndt, R.M. and T. Vogelsang. 1941b. The initiation of native-doctors, Dieri tribe, South Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum 6(4), 369-380.
  • Fry, H.K. 1937. Dieri legends. Folklore 48, 187-206, 269-287.
  • Gason, Samuel. 1879. The Dieyerie tribe. In J.D. Woods (ed.) The Native Tribes of South Australia, 253-307. Adelaide: E.S. Wigg and Son.
  • Horne, G. A. and G. Aiston. 1924. Savage Life in Central Australia. London: Macmillan.
  • Howitt, Alfred W. 1891. The Dieri and kindred tribes of central Australia. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 20, 30-104.
  • Howitt, Alfred W. 1996[1904]. The Native Tribes of South-East Australia. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.
  • Howitt, Alfred. W. & Otto Siebert. 1904. Legends of the Dieri and other kindred tribes of central Australia. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 34, 102-128.
  • Murray, Ben & Peter Austin. 1981. Afghans and Aborigines: Diyari texts. Aboriginal History 5, 71-79.
  • McEntee, J.C. 1998. A Concordance of the Diyari manuscripts of J.G. Reuther, as translated from the original German by Rev. P.A. Scherer. Manuscript.
  • Planert, W. 1908. Australische forschungen ll Dieri-Grammatik. Zeitschschrift für Ethnologie 40, 686-697.
  • Reuther. J. G. & Carl Strehlow. 1897. Testamenta marra. Jesuni Christuni ngantjani jaura ninaia karitjimalkana wonti Dieri jaurani. Adelaide: G. Auricht.
  • Stockigt, Clara. 2016. Pama-Nyungan morphosyntax: lineages of early description. PhD thesis. Adelaide University
  • Trefry, David. 1970. The phonological word in Dieri. In Donald Laycock (ed.) Linguistic trends in Australia, 65-73. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.
  • Trefry, David. 1974. The theory of segmental phonology. PhD thesis. Macquarie University.

For history, placenames, kinship, flora and fauna

  • Elkin, A. P. 1931. The Dieri kinship system. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 61, 493-497.
  • Elkin, A. P. 1931-32. The social organization of South Australian tribes. Oceania 2, 44-73.
  • Elkin, A. P. 1934. Cult-totemism and mythology in northern South Australia. Oceania 51, 171-192.
  • Elkin, A. P. 1938-39. Kinship in South Australia. Oceania 9, 41-78.
  • Hercus, Luise A. 2009. Some area names in the far north-east of South Australia. In Harold Koch and Luise Hercus (eds.) Aboriginal Placenames: Naming and re-naming the Australian landscape, 273-285. Canberra: ANU Press.
  • Hercus, Luise. 2014. One name for one Place – but it is not always so. In Ian D. Clark, Luise Hercus and Laura Kostanski (eds.) Indigenous and Minority Placenames: Australian and International Perspectives, 213-224. Canberra: ANU Press.
  • Hercus, Luise and Vlad Potezny. 1990. Locating Aboriginal sites: a note on J.G. Reuther and the Hillier Map of 1904. Records of the South Australian Museum 24(2), 139-151.
  • Hercus, Luise A. and Vlad Potezny. 1999. ‘“Finch” versus “Finchwater”: a study of Aboriginal Place-Names in South Australia’, Records of the South Australian Museum 31(2), 165–180.
  • Jericho, Helen. 1975. Down memory lane. Adelaide: Lutheran Publishing House.
  • Johnston, T. Harvey & John. B. Cleland. 1943a. Native names and uses of plants in the north east corner of South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 67(1), 149-173.
  • Johnston, T. Harvey & John. B. Cleland. 1943b. Aboriginal names and the utilization of fauna in the Eyrean region. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 67(2), 244-311.
  • Jones, Philip. 2002. Naming the Dead Heart: Hillier’s Map and Reuther’s Gazetteer of 2468 placenames in Northeastern South Australia. In Luise Hercus, Flavia Hodges and Jane Simpson (eds.) The Land is a Map: Placenames of Indigenous Origin in Australia, 187-200. Canberra: Pandanus Books.
  • Jones, Philip. 2008. Ochre and Rust: Artefacts and encounters on Australian frontiers. Adelaide: Wakefield Press.
  • Proeve, E. L. & H. F. W. Proeve. 1952. A work of love and sacrifice: the story of the mission among the Dieri tribe at Cooper ‘s Creek. Part 1. Point Pass: Lutheran Mission booklet.
  • Sadleir, Richard. 1883. The Aborigines of Australia. Sydney: Thomas Richards.
  • Stevens, Christine. 1994. White man’s dreaming: Killalpaninna Mission, 1866–1915. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

For neighbouring languages

  • Austin, Peter. 1988. Trill-released stops and language change in central Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics 8(2), 219-245.
  • Austin, Peter. 1989. Verb compounding in central Australian languages. La Trobe University Working Papers in Linguistics 2, 43-71. Online at
  • Austin, Peter. 1990a. Classification of Lake Eyre languages. La Trobe University Working Papers in Linguistics 3, 171-201. Online at
  • Austin, Peter. 1990b. The last words of Pirlatapa. In Peter Austin, R.M.W. Dixon, Tom Dutton and Isobel White (eds.) Language and history: essays in honour of Luise A. Hercus, 29-48. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, C-1 16.
  • Austin, Peter. 1991. The Karangura language. Records of the South Australian Museum 25(2), 129-137.
  • Austin, Peter, Robert Ellis & Luise A. Hercus. 1976. ‘Fruit of the eyes’: semantic diffusion in the Lakes languages of South Australia. Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 10, 57-77. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
  • Bowern, Claire. 1998. The Case of Proto-Karnic. BA Honours Thesis. Australian National University.
  • Bowern, Claire. 2001. Karnic classification revisited. In Jane Simpson, David Nash, Mary Laughren, Peter Austin, Barry Alpher (eds.) Forty years on: Ken Hale and Australian languages, 245-261. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Download at
  • Bowern, Claire. 2009. Reassessing Karnic: A reply to Breen (2007). Australian Journal of Linguistics 29, 337-348.
  • Breen, Gavan. 2007. Reassessing Karnic. Australian Journal of Linguistics 25, 175-199.
  • Breen, Gavan. 2011. Reassessing Karnic: A Reply to Bowern (2009). Australian Journal of Linguistics 31(1), 137-142.
  • Breen, Gavan. 2004a. Innamincka Talk: A Grammar of the Innamincka Dialect of Yandruwandha with Notes on Other Dialects. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
  • Breen, Gavan. 2004b. Innamincka Words: Yandruwandha Dictionary and Stories. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
  • Hercus, Luise. A. 1994. A Grammar of the Arabana-Wangkangurru language, Lake Eyre Basin, South Australia. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
  • Schebeck, Bernard. 1974. Texts on the social system of the Atynyamatana people with grammatical notes. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.