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For history, placenames, kinship, flora and fauna
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For neighbouring languages
Austin, Peter. 1988. Trill-released stops and language change in central Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics 8(2), 219-245.
Austin, Peter. 1989. Verb compounding in central Australian languages. La Trobe University Working Papers in Linguistics 2, 43-71. Online at
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Austin, Peter. 1991. The Karangura language. Records of the South Australian Museum 25(2), 129-137.
Austin, Peter, Robert Ellis & Luise A. Hercus. 1976. ‘Fruit of the eyes’: semantic diffusion in the Lakes languages of South Australia. Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 10, 57-77. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
Bowern, Claire. 1998. The Case of Proto-Karnic. BA Honours Thesis. Australian National University.
Bowern, Claire. 2001. Karnic classification revisited. In Jane Simpson, David Nash, Mary Laughren, Peter Austin, Barry Alpher (eds.) Forty years on: Ken Hale and Australian languages, 245-261. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Download at
Bowern, Claire. 2009. Reassessing Karnic: A reply to Breen (2007). Australian Journal of Linguistics 29, 337-348.
Breen, Gavan. 2007. Reassessing Karnic. Australian Journal of Linguistics 25, 175-199.
Breen, Gavan. 2011. Reassessing Karnic: A Reply to Bowern (2009). Australian Journal of Linguistics 31(1), 137-142.
Breen, Gavan. 2004a. Innamincka Talk: A Grammar of the Innamincka Dialect of Yandruwandha with Notes on Other Dialects. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.